I have just completed an assignment for Patagonia where I have been working with the photography editorial team at the head office in California. It has been a different kind of project from that you will normally see from most outdoor brands nowadays and is testament to the approach of Patagonia and the trust they have in those that they work with. For this assignment, I captured documentary style imagery by working closely with two Hong Kongers in their workplace, on Hong Kong streets and blending in outdoor running scenes.
The concept for this assignment was to convey the value of outdoor activity during these stressful times of COVID and other challenges. I had the pleasure of working with Rouisa Tse and Ah Lo in Hong Kong. Rouisa is a primary school teacher in a local government school where she works with students with special educational needs and Ah Lo works in the kitchens of a hotel restaurant. Rouisa and Ah Lo were perfect for this assignment and embodied the qualities that I wanted to capture – resilient working class Hong Kongers who enjoy the outdoors without concern for the trappings of sponsorship and social media.
I blended analogue film with digital photography to achieve this and am pleased with the results that are strictly under wraps as the editorial team in the US take over the process. Here are some behind the scenes outdoor shots.

You can see previous assignments here that I have done for Patagonia Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China including the below shots that I took of the production process from hemp plantation through to apparel production in Mainland China.
I no longer use social media and so the only place to see my work (aside from my client’s platforms) is here. If you would like to be notified whenever there has been an update to this site with work or news, then please fill in below. All subscribers are able to view articles on this site before they are made available to all.